Going Back to School: Guide for Adults

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Professionals who are looking to advance their careers may choose to pursue advanced education – a decision that can offer many benefits.

Choosing an Education Track

Going back to school involves several decisions, including choosing the type of education track that will equip you with the knowledge to achieve your professional goals.

For future entrepreneurs, an MBA can offer valuable returns in knowledge and practical skills, contacts with classmates and alumni, and access to resources and capital.

For future nonprofit leaders, an MBA can offer important building blocks, such as strategic and financial modeling, organizational leadership, and marketing.

Calculating the Benefits of a Graduate Degree

Pursuit of a graduate degree is likely to lead to substantial returns on their educational investment for professionals who are already in the workforce.

Getting Your Finances in Order

Pursuing additional education is an investment that may temporarily take time away from your existing career, make sure your books are balanced before classes begin. Steps include securing loans; pursuing scholarships, grants, and prizes; and creating a personalized budget.

Taking the GMAT or GRE Tests

Most graduate schools and some business schools require the GRE, while the GMAT is required for admission to most business schools. You’ll want a good score, so apply core GMAT/GRE preparation strategies such as taking practice tests to determine which test is better suited to your abilities.

Creating a Balanced Schedule

For many students, an online degree offers the flexibility they need to balance academics, professional responsibilities, and personal life. Approximately 1 in 3 postsecondary students take at least one course online.

A graduate degree can be your next step towards professional success. See more reasons why in this infographic by the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business.

An infographic about continuing education and the steps to take to ensure success by UMD Smith School of Business.

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