Habits for Strong Leaders | UMD Smith School of Business

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The success of business leaders often comes down to their habits. Developing the right habits can put leaders on the path to success and keep them there.

Benefits of Developing Good Habits

Habits can be difficult to build, but once positive habits are formed, they offer benefits with much less conscious effort required. When we act on habits, it takes less effort than brand new actions, so when we form positive habits, we have more brainpower to spend on new or complicated decisions. The components of habits include cues, behaviors, and rewards.

Habit 1: Setting a Morning Routine

Starting each workday with a positive and productive mindset is one of the most important factors that leads to success. Set an alarm to ensure you have an extra 30 minutes to get your mind in the right place.

Habit 2: Reading

Today’s leaders are innovative and creative. Reading is one of the most effective ways to expand your thinking and sharpen your mind. Many of us set goals to read, but the act of making a reading list can help develop the habit.

Habit 3: Exercising Each Day

Exercising has immense benefits for work, from long-term memory and mood improvement to creativity and attention boosting. Make exercise part of your daily routine, however small it may seem.

Habit 4: Keeping a Journal

Whether tracking your progress, organizing your thoughts, or calming your mind, the benefits of consistent journaling are critical to leaders who develop the habit.

Habit 5: Having Face-to-Face Conversations

When we have face-to-face interactions, even virtually, it can help with problem solving, relationship, and busywork.

Habits have immense potential to unlock benefits for leaders and their teams. To learn more about building effective leadership skills, view this infographic by the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

An infographic about the top habits of top leaders in business by the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

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